Sunday, May 24

After all the hardwork now it's time for the payoff:

More hard work! The race is tomorrow... morning!

I'll be swimming for just under a mile, biking for 25 miles, and running (ok... probably walking or some combo of running, walking and sitting) for 6 miles.

Am I going to win the race? Yeah... right.

Am I going to finish the race? Hell yes!

I have two goals for the race tomorrow: to cross the finish line before lunch and to do so injury free.

Ok, and I have one more goal and that's to recover quickly. I was completely tapped after the Rookie Triathlon (I've been waiting for the pictures to post a blog on that one). I felt like a weak old lady for almost a week following that race, which was short in comparison. Recovery plan? Coconut milk and emergen-C. I hear it does wonders.

Anyhoo for those who have been following my progress tomorrrow is memorial day. So, if you have the day off and would like to come out and show some support in person that'd be great!

Here's some info: downloadable info-packs for specatators
The Capital of Texas Triathlon Website

Angela had shirts made for us with a portrait of her father on the front and the Team in Training logo on the back. I'm really glad I'll have that to wear, because I think it's good to have a reminder of why I'm doing this race in the first place. Training has been really hard, and not seeing the weight melt away has been frustrating, but knowing that I'm honoring the memory of a really great human being makes it all worth it.

Hope some of you are able to make it out to cheer Angela and I on. Remember to pack some snacks and some water. It's a long race, and most of the stuff that's provided out there, is for the athletes once we finish racing.

Thanks again for the support!

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