Monday, July 13


Now that the anticipation has worn all the way off, I present you with: My Race Report!

Monday, May 25 I awoke before dawn to prepare myself for the big race. It seemed like I should be ready… right? I mean, the Rookie Tri wasn’t so bad, how bad was the big race going to be? I ate organic peanut butter and jelly on a sprouted wheat bun, drank some Emergen-C Health and Energy Water, had a shot of espresso and was ready to go. I arrived at the race site before the sun was up and met up under the TNT tent with my team.

While I tried to convince myself I wasn’t nervous, I went to get marked with my number on my thighs and arms, and got my spf-70 sun block in place. Although I didn’t feel jittery-nervous…the day before the race my stomach had been giving me some problems, and things had only gotten worse.

By the time I had my wetsuit on I was squeezing’ my cheeks together tight enough to make diamonds in an attempt to avoid filling up my suit with nastiness, and the truth was pretty much unavoidable: I was nervous. Hell, I was scared... and I can’t tell you what a relief it was to finally get into the water!

Once the whistle blew and the swimming began, the sense of relief I felt… well I can’t describe it really. The nerves just dropped away. I no longer felt a need to vacate my digestive track. It just felt good to be swimming. Sure there was an initial mess of hands and feet as the women in my age group found their swimming pace and place in the pack, but it wasn’t too bad.

I finished that first part of the triathlon, just under a mile of swimming, in roughly 45 minutes. I had plenty of energy left, no nerves, and was feeling great. As volunteers helped me move from swimming to running on dry ground, I heard the announcer call out my name over the loudspeaker. That’s right folks… I’m a famous tri-athlete now!

In transition, I stripped off my wetsuit, put my bike helmet on, and it was on to the bike portion of the race. Four laps in downtown Austin. 25 miles. The first two laps went well, though the one hill on the course was steeper than I wanted it to be. By lap three the shammy in my bike shorts felt non-existant. Then I dropped my luna bar. I still had some gels to eat… but not that many. By the fourth lap, I caught myself thinking about taking a nap while riding, and wishing for a pillow to sit on. I was out of energy, and the running portion of the race was yet to go.

While I knew I was tired, I didn’t realize quite how tired I was until I changed into my running jersey and headed out for the last 6 miles of the race… on foot. As I was walking the first portion, I passed my coach.

“You know what feels good?” I shouted.

“What?” He inquired.

“Walking!” I chirped, as my coach smiled (in what I’m hoping was an amused expression). He banged a cowbell loudly to cheer me onward as I shuffled past.

Friday, June 26

...and two become one

I'm devoting some energy this morning to combining the entries of my two blogs into this one blog right here.

I promise a full race report from triathlon day will be next. I don't want to spoil the end... but I didn't keel over.

No promises on the date... BUT RACE REPORT IS COMING.

much love,

Monday, May 25


Well after an emotional night... it's time for a moving day!

Early start, breakfast is next, should be at the race site by 5:30 am.

Sunday, May 24

Ummm.... Hmmm....

Just came back from the Team in Training inspiration dinner and I'm having stomach cramps.... I hope it's nerves.

I'll tell you one thing for certain. I'm feeling a lot, I mean A LOT of emotion right now. I keep thinking of all the people who this means so much to, and I keep wishing that completing this Tri could bring Angela's dad back.

It's stormy weather right now, supposed to be nice for the race though.

Time to pack my race bag.

Those of you who make it out to watch me cross the finish line tomorrow. There's a pretty good chance you'll get to see some water works. And by water works, I mean crying. And by crying, I mean... crying.

After all the hardwork now it's time for the payoff:

More hard work! The race is tomorrow... morning!

I'll be swimming for just under a mile, biking for 25 miles, and running (ok... probably walking or some combo of running, walking and sitting) for 6 miles.

Am I going to win the race? Yeah... right.

Am I going to finish the race? Hell yes!

I have two goals for the race tomorrow: to cross the finish line before lunch and to do so injury free.

Ok, and I have one more goal and that's to recover quickly. I was completely tapped after the Rookie Triathlon (I've been waiting for the pictures to post a blog on that one). I felt like a weak old lady for almost a week following that race, which was short in comparison. Recovery plan? Coconut milk and emergen-C. I hear it does wonders.

Anyhoo for those who have been following my progress tomorrrow is memorial day. So, if you have the day off and would like to come out and show some support in person that'd be great!

Here's some info: downloadable info-packs for specatators
The Capital of Texas Triathlon Website

Angela had shirts made for us with a portrait of her father on the front and the Team in Training logo on the back. I'm really glad I'll have that to wear, because I think it's good to have a reminder of why I'm doing this race in the first place. Training has been really hard, and not seeing the weight melt away has been frustrating, but knowing that I'm honoring the memory of a really great human being makes it all worth it.

Hope some of you are able to make it out to cheer Angela and I on. Remember to pack some snacks and some water. It's a long race, and most of the stuff that's provided out there, is for the athletes once we finish racing.

Thanks again for the support!

Monday, May 18

T-Minus Seven Days And Counting!!

Got together with some of my teammates at Barton Springs over the weekend to get in a swim and a run in our fancy new outfits...

I'm the one with he alien-looking sunglasses and last year's model of tri-top.

When I first started training for this I thought I would lose a bunch of weight and my cousin told me I wouldn't. Well she wins. I haven't even really gone down in size though I would say I have toned up a little bit. I'm at 163 pounds though... which is totally groatie in my judgement of myself. As far as I can tell from this picture, I'm carrying that weight in my arms and legs, and not in my torso so much. Guess that means you wouldn't wanna get in to a kickboxing match with me... there'd be a lot of momentum behind my blows!

The big race is on the 25th... that's one week away!! If you wanna come out to support me on race day, you are more than invited. I'll have details posted soon! No, really... I'll have them posted today or tomorrow!


Tuesday, April 7

I've been sooo very busy. Don't be mad, 'K?

And now it has come to be time for me to update you! I've been hearing from many a faithful reader... ok, just Julie (thanks Julie!) that my blog has lain idle too long!

The good news is that while my blog has been lazily languishing in it's established presence, I have not! I've been working my butt off! I'd like to say literally... but I still have lots of goose in my caboose (hmm... sounds gross, or delicious... probably just gross.)

Angela have been hard at work planning a super sweet fund raising event, which we hope will draw large crowds. You can check out more about that at our colorful and eye-pleasing website.
On top of that I've been trying to get my body to obey the rigorous training schedule we've been asked to adhere too. Problem being that my knees, ankles and tops of my feet (what??) all have another concept of how things should go. So I've been getting treated at Airrosti. Anyway there are lot's of great things in the works, and I'm incredibly pumped about all of them.
Remember if you have not yet donated you can still do so by clicking the link to the right over here. A very special thanks to all of you who hav donated. I'm just about half way there now!! By the way... my fund raising deadline is May 13. So don't put off donating if you think its something you can do!

Sunday, March 1

Status report...going into month two

Week four?? No! Oh wow... I'm already into week five. Well crappers... I should be seeing results soon!

Ok, ok. I take that back. I'm seeing results now, it's just a little slow going at this point.

Biggest wins: swimming feels downright easy. Also, I'm moving my legs in a running-type way... although I'm still slower than tar. Biking has been... good. I still havent' fallen off.

You can see my first bike ride in this lovely picture. Yeah, I'm the dork on the left carrying my bike instead of riding it. This'll probably end up being my before picture, notice the spandex biking pants and the flabtastic shoulder and belly pooches. Wait!!! I changed my mind... DO NOT notice aforementioned body parts!

For the record this was week two, I am now able to proudly say I ride my bike instead of carrying it. It's speedy too. Paul and I went for a ride yesterday and his poor mountain bike just couldn't keep up... and he was peddling a lot more than I had to on my super fun road bike.

My progress for those keeping track:
Weight - 160.2 pounds
Hips - 39.75 " (lost over an inch since week 1)
Waist - 29.5 " (lost half an inch)
Chest - 36 " (lost an inch... oh well...)
Thighs - 25 " (no change...)
Calves - 15.75 " (lost a quarter inch)
Biceps - 11.75 " (no change...)
Neck - 13.5 " (lost a half inch)

On those commercials when they talk about how many inches they lost... well they usually add these numbers up. So by that standard, so far I've lost around three and a half - four inches... Not bad!

Sunday, February 8

Week 2!

160.2 pounds
40.75'' - hips
30" - waist
37.75" - chest
25.25" - thighs
16" - calves
11.75 R/12 L" - biceps
13.5" - neck

....And week two begins! So far I've discovered that I love, swimming, like biking, and am afraid of messing up my knees running.

Also... I've gained weight, but lost around my neck. Hey progress is progress, right?

Wednesday, February 4

Happy Birthday to me.

I'm 32 now. I guess all I need to say here is that... well I guess its time to reevaluate.



Tuesday, February 3

Confession Time- Day 1 - running

Here I am on day one:

159 pounds
41" around the hips
30" around the waist
37" around the bust
25" around each thigh
16" around each calves
11.75" around each bicep
14" around my neck

I'll spare you the official before picture in bathing suit until the after shot is comlete... in other words race day.

Well... I have successfully lied to everyone and particularly myself it would seem. Convinced I've been eating healthy and that the dryer was shrinking my clothes, I've been avoiding setting foot on a scale for quite a few months. Since June 27th I have gained a total of 15 pounds and I did it at a rate of roughly 2.5 pounds per month. That is assuming I didn't just wake up 15 pounds heavier one morning. That'd be crazy right. You go to sleep a size 6 and wake up a size 12. How do you explain that one to the doctor?!

So I figure... I'll just confess it all. Right here. Right now. I'm gonna purge... figuratively speaking. Here are the things that have contributed to my weight gain.
  1. not enough sleep and too much stress - check it out these factors are clinically proven to increase weight gain.
  2. I have been snacking non-stop on chips mostly, and other goodies occasionally... all those calories count apparently.
  3. I've been eating two of things at breakfast. Two breakfast tacos, two pastries, two eggs, too many...
  4. I've been eating bigger meals and haven't worried about the nutritional balance of the meal
  5. I've been sitting on my ass convincing my self that walking up and down the stairs from my living room to my bedroom, or walking up a ramp to get to my car at the end of a work day counts as "working out."

Ok... there we go. I feel better. Purging is good... in this sense. I gotta follow it up though. My dad would kill me if I didn't make a list of what I was going to differently (I can just hear him saying "I raised you to take responsibility for your actions.")

So here is what I'm going to do differently
  1. obviously the biggest thing on this list is going to be EXERCISE. I'm training for a triathlon for heaven's sake!
  2. If I'm having something balanced and healthy like salad and rice and veggies... I'm gonna eat as much as I want. If I'm having a less healthy choice... I'm only allowing myself a little.
  3. I will keep healthy snax around. I'm a snacker, so I have to be prepared for that. Either plan to have a small yogurt and piece of fruit mid-afternoon, or celery stix and hummus, or maybe just a plain rice cake (yes I like the way they taste)... but no more foods from the vending machine.
  4. I will commit to cooking at home more, so I can get a good nights sleep!
  5. I will not have pastries for breakfast anymore.
There you go! Remember I will be taking donations through May 1st. I really appreciate your support in this endeavor!! So does Angela. This triathlon means a lot to her and her family as you are surely already aware.

Friday, January 30

Kick off!!

No... not the super bowl. Though I do hope to celebrate that fabulous event this weekend. It's not that I like football, it's just that I enjoy feeling like I do once a year. I could lie, and say that I watch it for the commercials, but that would be a sad clinging to the past sort of thing to say. We all know that the shiny new commercial feeling of yesteryear has kind of worn off.

Last night was the kick off for my team training. I'm still taking donations by the way... and I hope you will contribute. What did they give us? Pizza and cookies. Yes ladies and gentlemen, my journey to a healthier me has begun in full, glorious, fat-laden food style!

Tomorrow at 8am... our first run. Woo hoo!! Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 27

on fundraising

Asking people for money feels strange. Many thanks to the handful of friends and family who have contributed... I suspect that more will. I am guessing however that as I continue on with my training and soliciting of funds, that it will become necessary to look to outside sources for donations.

See, when I tell people what I 'm doing... they think it's cool! Awesome. Then I mention that they can contribute, even as little as 20 bucks... and I get that glazed over look. Of course some folks, I don't want to name any names (Dad... I'm talking about you), just don't feel comfortable contributing to cancer drug research. Why you say? That's because conventional medicine, and conventional research in particular have a tendency to poo poo any non-traditional methods of treatment, though some have been quite successful.

Honestly... I'm inclined to agree. If I were to get sick I would be pretty unlikely to seek out conventional methods of treatment.

Here's what I would say to that though. Contributing to some form of cancer research is better than not contributing to any. If you're worried about fairness in research, make a small donation to my cause, and then find a company that pursues research of alternative treatments and donate in kind to them. Most of all think about the people that conventional treatment does work for, and how grateful they would be to have something to allow them to have a higher quality of life with their families.

Just some ideas. Next I'll have to figure out what I'm gonna do about raising the rest of the money. Bake sale? Car wash? Silent Auction? Singing Telegram?

Your input on how I can best solicit a donation from you would be greatly appreciated... Please leave one in the comments.

PS. I am moderating the comments.

Monday, January 19

...and now for some sad news

Angela's father passed away on the 18th. Angela tells me that by some miracle they were able to bring him back from the brink long enough for the whole family to gather so he could say his goodbye's and they could say theirs. My heart goes out to Angela right now, and to the rest of her family.

Saying goodbye to loved ones seems to be a recent development on my radar. A dearly beloved family friend was taken suddenly while enjoying himself on the beach with his wife and two youngest sons. The memorial service is happening today, and I am sad that I will not be able to be there to remember the wonderfulness that was his life with the rest of the community back home. I almost collapsed when I initially learned of the news... and then alternated between feeling completely normal and sobbing uncontrollably. I seem to have settled into a simple pace of moodiness and irritability for the time being, though I hope that will wear off soon.

Now that Angela's father has passed, she will be facing these feelings as well... only more so, because this was her Dad. The man who raised her. The pillar of her family. A leader in her community.

My Dad has made me swear that when he goes, instead of holding a sad event in his honor, we will instead put on a grand roast and have a fabulous time at his expense. I guess it is in that spirit that Angela will continue with the triathlon that we have signed up to do. She will be finishing the race in her father's name, and I will be finishing the race to be there for her as well as to honor her family.

I guess our timing for signing up for this event is good. It will give Angela an outlet to channel her feelings and it will help me to feel like I'm part of something important.

Saturday, January 17

I signed up to do what?

My friend Angela and I have decided to train for and complete a triathlon with Team in Training (LLS). Angela's dad has been fighting Leukemia, so we decided to do something to make ourselves better, while trying to support the cause. We'll lose weight, feel great and accomplish an impressive goal, and at the same time we can raise money to try and find a cure for blood cancers. It's a win win!

I'm not gonna lie though, I'm really scared. I tried training for a marathon once, and my knee got really pissed at me. So, yeah... I'm worried that my body won't let me do it. I'm also taking time off from performing to pursue this, so I'm worried that my skills will get dusty while I'm pursuing more athletic interests. I'm also completely freaked about swimming in Lady Bird lake!!

So, to accomplish this goal I'm gonna have to overcome a few personal demons. Wish me luck!

No promises on how often I'll update this blog. My goal is to hit it at least once a week, but we'll see how it goes.

Training begins January 31st, and the race is on May 25th. If you're interested in donating (no pressure... but seriously do it. No really... money please...) you can do that here: Aden's fund raising page