Wednesday, May 23


Current mood: awake

The singing rabbit commercial for skittles... isn't funny. It's sad. Poor abandoned dude in the rain.

I went back to work today. I've been taking time off on account of my tendonitis. Tomorrow the physical therapists will have their way with me and I couldn't be more delighted. Also, I'm not training for the triathlon over the summer. I still want to do it, but decided to wait for the winter when the running and biking conditions are a little friendlier here in Texas. I did buy a pair of running shoes yesterday, oddly enough my knee bugged me all day today....I haven't gone running yet. As if just having running shoes in the house could cause a bum knee. I've decided it's psychosomatic, so I'm planning on getting up early for a speed walk tomorrow.

I'm currently watching that episode of the Simpsons where the perfectly manicured dude recruits Bart, and three others to be in a boy band so that the brainwashed youth will want to enlist in the army. Featured NSYNC with a very cute and young Timberlake (isn't he just dreamy?!?!). Surely it's no coincidence that it's airing on the same channel as the crazy two-hour American Idol extravaganza. TV. Funny. Ha ha.

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