Sunday, May 27

The mouse ran up the clock

Current mood: sympathetic

This blog comes to you from Cincinnati, where I am currently spending a little time with my grandparents.

I unfortunately have thus far failed at my one goal of getting them to share stories. I feel intrusive when I talk (they live a quiet life) so I try to just be a smiling, warm, and quiet presence while I'm here.

I know that time speeds up as we pass through our lives. What I'm learning now is that for some, like my grandparents, the experience of time becomes even more bizarre as more time must be spent on doing things which used to take no time at all. I watch my grandparents as they exhaust themselves simply walking from point A to point B. They insist on doing things for me instead of allowing me to do things for them, and I wonder if it isn't in some subcouncious way, an attempt on their part to feel like they are using their time well.

I'll be back home by end of day tomorrow. My time on this trip is already zooming by.

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