Sunday, May 27

The mouse ran up the clock

Current mood: sympathetic

This blog comes to you from Cincinnati, where I am currently spending a little time with my grandparents.

I unfortunately have thus far failed at my one goal of getting them to share stories. I feel intrusive when I talk (they live a quiet life) so I try to just be a smiling, warm, and quiet presence while I'm here.

I know that time speeds up as we pass through our lives. What I'm learning now is that for some, like my grandparents, the experience of time becomes even more bizarre as more time must be spent on doing things which used to take no time at all. I watch my grandparents as they exhaust themselves simply walking from point A to point B. They insist on doing things for me instead of allowing me to do things for them, and I wonder if it isn't in some subcouncious way, an attempt on their part to feel like they are using their time well.

I'll be back home by end of day tomorrow. My time on this trip is already zooming by.

Wednesday, May 23

Hold it right there Copper!

Current mood: impressed

Also my doctor prescribed copper bracelets for my tendonitis. So yesterday I went to Home Depot and marched straight back to the electrical stuff.

Found a guy to help me and said "This is going to sound weird, but I need some thick copper cable or wire, that is still flexible enough that I can bend it around my wrist."

He looked at me blankly.

I then said, "Doctor's orders," and smiled.

After this less than slightly better explanation he said, "That does sound weird" and then clipped me off two fine one foot sections of copper. My new copper accessories look pretty sweet if you ask me. Also the pain has significantly improved. Weird!!


Current mood: awake

The singing rabbit commercial for skittles... isn't funny. It's sad. Poor abandoned dude in the rain.

I went back to work today. I've been taking time off on account of my tendonitis. Tomorrow the physical therapists will have their way with me and I couldn't be more delighted. Also, I'm not training for the triathlon over the summer. I still want to do it, but decided to wait for the winter when the running and biking conditions are a little friendlier here in Texas. I did buy a pair of running shoes yesterday, oddly enough my knee bugged me all day today....I haven't gone running yet. As if just having running shoes in the house could cause a bum knee. I've decided it's psychosomatic, so I'm planning on getting up early for a speed walk tomorrow.

I'm currently watching that episode of the Simpsons where the perfectly manicured dude recruits Bart, and three others to be in a boy band so that the brainwashed youth will want to enlist in the army. Featured NSYNC with a very cute and young Timberlake (isn't he just dreamy?!?!). Surely it's no coincidence that it's airing on the same channel as the crazy two-hour American Idol extravaganza. TV. Funny. Ha ha.

valley of the dolls

Current mood: accomplished

This past weekend I played my last gig as Lolita Love. I sang my guts out, and had a fantastic time. Albuquerque is a very welcoming town, at least for four girls in matching outfits.

Tuesday, May 15

Why do we crucify ourselves?

Current mood: pensive

Yesterday after my session, I asked my acupuncturist the following question, "It seems as though my body is fighting being well, why would my body do that"?

Like a true teacher he answered my question with another question "Maybe you need to ask yourself," he said, "what would happen if you were truly healthy, free from pain and illness?"

good question.

Tuesday, May 8

Life is bigger, bigger than you, and you are not me...

Current mood: quixotic

Sometimes when I least expect it, I rediscover something I love. Double americano's in a 12oz'er with about an inch of room at the top are so freakin' good. I drink that crack black. So nice.

It's freezing in my office today. I put on my fleece hoodie but it smelled nasty. Had to wear my back up fleece vest. Good thing I brought a spare!

Although there has not been an official announcement, I will be singing my farewell to the Platforms in Albuquerque very soon. I'm looking forward to my farewell weekend, we're going to have a blast, and then I'm going to pursue other things for awhile. Comedy, painting, fitness, maybe meditation. I may take another running leap at rock stardom at another time, but I suspect that if I try for playing live music again in the future, it'll be bluegrass or folk. Those people are so warm! Rock stars…well, rock stars are passionate, but I think they've got more angst and other stuff in the mix. Plus, a good ol' granola girl like me? Well I clean up real nice, but I think those of you who know me well know where my heart tends to gravitate.

I've got a new "sig. oth." --> ME.

I'm doin' a Jon Lovitz "Get to know me!" thing for myself. Takin' some time to get to know me, see what makes me tick, find out what's important in life n' stuff. Got me an acupuncturist, and I think I'm getting down to the deep stuff. And if not, it's just fun to hear someone say… "lets see, last week I cupped you, I think I'd like to do that again. Yeah, I'm going to cup you and I'm also going to scrape your meridians. I think scraping your meridians will really help get your chi flowing again. This is going to leave a mark, is that ok?"