Tuesday, April 7

I've been sooo very busy. Don't be mad, 'K?

And now it has come to be time for me to update you! I've been hearing from many a faithful reader... ok, just Julie (thanks Julie!) that my blog has lain idle too long!

The good news is that while my blog has been lazily languishing in it's established presence, I have not! I've been working my butt off! I'd like to say literally... but I still have lots of goose in my caboose (hmm... sounds gross, or delicious... probably just gross.)

Angela have been hard at work planning a super sweet fund raising event, which we hope will draw large crowds. You can check out more about that at our colorful and eye-pleasing website.
On top of that I've been trying to get my body to obey the rigorous training schedule we've been asked to adhere too. Problem being that my knees, ankles and tops of my feet (what??) all have another concept of how things should go. So I've been getting treated at Airrosti. Anyway there are lot's of great things in the works, and I'm incredibly pumped about all of them.
Remember if you have not yet donated you can still do so by clicking the link to the right over here. A very special thanks to all of you who hav donated. I'm just about half way there now!! By the way... my fund raising deadline is May 13. So don't put off donating if you think its something you can do!