Friday, February 23

Out with the bad

Current mood: quixotic

The Austin Improv Collective will be hosting a yard sale in another week or so. I agreed to donate some furniture items. One of these items is my TV. I'm convinced that I have self-discipline problems, and therefore need to part ways with the "fecal cube" (go see the Hoover's Blanket show tonight). Here's the thing though. I've backed out. I told the person in charge of collecting the donated items that I was going to keep it! Of course it isn't too late, I can just give it to him when he shows up and say "Here is my TV, sell it and be happy." When I think about parting ways with it though I feel very uncomfortable. Leading me once again to the conclusion that I really need to get rid of the beast. Grrr. TV. I love to hate you, and man, i really hate to love you.

Currently listening:
POP! - 20 Hits
By Erasure
Release date: 24 November, 1992

Wednesday, February 14


Current mood: dorky

James Roberts is a hero.

Last night, coming out of the climbing gym, my tire was so flat (how flat was it?) was so flat that if it would have been any flatter it would have popped out of this dimension and into another one!

Anyway, good ol' James was kind enough to come to the gym with me in the first place, when I'm all outta shape and climbing on beginner routes. Then because I have apparently been taking dumb-girl lessons for the last 30 years, James changed out the bad tire for my spare! Don't know what I'd have done without him. Guess I'd better look into getting myself some AAA Roadside Assistance! I paid attention though. Should I have to change a flat in the future...I think I'll be able to do it. Good ol' James though, really saved my butt--spending a half hour futzing with my flat tire in the freezing cold weather.

Good man that James. I think I owe him a bottle of scotch.

No time is the right time, so make the time NOW

Current mood: determined

Gotta get my food situation in check.
Gotta get back to climbing.
Gotta wash my dishes.
Gotta do my taxes.
Gotta remember to chill, but not chillin' like watchin' tv...Ok maybe a little.

PS: this is a list, not a poem.

Currently listening:
By Original Soundtrack
Release date: 05 December, 2006

Sunday, February 11


Current mood: thirsty

I caught it. That nasty, germy, sore-throaty, sniffly thing that every one seems to be experimenting with these days. Sometimes when I go for months at a time without getting sick, I start to think I'm invincible. Last week I ate a lot of cookies and drank a lot of caffeine. Boom! Sick!

I stayed in bed pretty much all day yesterday. Today, to get myself out of the house, I'm taking myself to see Pan's Labyrinth. I heard it can be a weeper though, so I'll have to bring extra kleenex, not just enough to catch the sneezes.

Band practice tonight ought to be a crack up, I won't be able to sing very well with this frog hanging out in there. But my spirit is willing!!!

Best go take some more vitamins now.


Currently listening:
Free To Be ... You And Me (1972 Television Cast)
Release date: 25 October, 1990

Tuesday, February 6


Current mood: amused

I heard somewhere that they did a survey of the 20 most successful people in the world, and they are all early risers. So I got up at 6:30 this morning. I'm working my way backwards to getting up at 5am. Early bird get's the worm. Hey, worms are cool!

I've already had two cups of coffee. I think I want to quit. Actually I'm considering going 100% health nut like Madonna. Why not? She's hot as hell. I'm performing alot these days...shouldn't I be hot as hell too? I can be like one of those total health fanatics that looks like they're on drugs all the time becuase they're so high on vitamins! I think it's going to be sweet. I'll get up at 5am excercise have brown rice and miso for breakfast and a handful of supplements at snack time!!

I found this article to be hilarious!!! As The World Turns... Truthfully, I didn't read the whole thing, but astronaut love triangle?? Isn't that how the book Stranger in a Strange Land starts off? I was talking to my buddy Steve at work about it. We were trying to come up with clever Soap Operal spinoffs to this story (you are all invited to post your ideas in the comments section). Steve says he's just waiting for some reality show that follows a real live stalker!! I think he's right. Maybe they'll call it "the Watcher" or "The Biggest Fan."

Currently listening:
Impeach My Bush
By Peaches
Release date: 11 July, 2006

Sunday, February 4

an army of one

Current mood: contemplative

Well I'm 30 now. I don't really feel any more mature though. It seems like I still get fooled, I still make mistakes, I still like stuffed animals.

Yesterday around 4:00pm I had a little freak out that I was turning 30 and had the brilliant thought that I should start off my 30's with a clean and organized closet. I have a walk-in closet and I have been shoving crap in there ever since I moved in. So I emptied out all of the contents of my closet into my apartment, mostly on my bed, until it looked like a mini-tornado had torn through. Then I was tuckered. I thought "this project sucks" and took a nap. Around 5:30 I woke up, and had a "oh my god you're sleeping through the last hours of your 20's" moment, so naturally I went to IKEA. I bought some closet organizing stuff and came back. By 8:45 it was all assembled and I had to start putting my closet back together again. Long story shortened slightly, my closet looks pretty good, but my apartment is in pretty sorry shape.

This has been a really weird birthday. I wanted it to feel special, because it's a landmark. Today I really learned who cares about me and who doesn't have as strong of caringness towards me, and I was very surprised at some of it. Acquaintences are one can't expect anything from then, it wouldn't be right, just hugging them when you see them is enough. It's the people you invest your time and energy into that you suspect you'll get some time and energy back from. Some folks though are just totally great and you'd never expect it. My ex was sweet and set me a nice birthday message. My mom doesn't seem to want to stop calling. One person was particularly surprisingly blank and ick towards me. Things don't always go the way you think they will, no matter how nice a person seems. But, I don't need that crap in this bright shiney new decade of my life. So moving right along, some girlfriends are on their way to come pick me up. We're going to have some fancy appetizers and then hit up 80's night for some dancing. I think dancing to the tunes of my childhood should be completely appropriate for this birthday.

Special shout outs to my family, Nita, M. Money, Margery, Jay (who is lost in Taiwan), Melinda, Tricia, Nicole, Sarah, Sara, Liati, the Dirty Novels, Junie Tune, Alwyn, Sweet John, UPenn Ben, Robert, Asaf and Orf who all made efforts to make me feel special today! Thanks to you I get to enter this new decade of life knowing I have connected with some folks!

Thursday, February 1

Chai spice of life?

Current mood: contemplative

I just spilled a drop of hot tea on my leg. I was removing the tea bag from the cup and it dribbled on my leg. It's not really that hot anymore, so you can all quit holding your breath now. I'm fine. It's Tazo Chai with sugar. Delicious.

So my birthday is just around the corner. I'll be 30. Doesn't seem like such a big deal really. Ten years ago at this time I was in such a panic about leaving my teens and turning 20 that I quit my job, gave away as much stuff as I could and got into my very old but very precious Toyota Corolla and took off for Portland, Or. I made a point of moving on my birthday so that no one could throw me a party.

Part of me wishes I had done something similar for this one too. I wish I would have planned a lone back packing trip in Hawaii for this birthday. Oh well. Maybe this spring I can celebrate my birthday again…but plan ahead.

I just took a slurrrrp of my tea. For those of you who are visual, I picked up the cup with both hands. Yummy.